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The Importance of Pet Insurance in the Summer

Monday, 15 July 2024

As temperatures rise and days grow longer, summer becomes a joyous time for us and our pets. That said, it's also a period when our furry friends face increased risks and potential health issues. This makes summer a crucial time to consider pet insurance.
Pet insurance not only provides peace of mind but also ensures financial protection against unexpected veterinary bills, allowing pet owners to focus on enjoying the season with their beloved companions. In this blog, we’ll outline what is covered by pet insurance and highlight a few reasons why it’s important to ensure your pets are covered this time of year. 


A Quick Introduction to Pet Insurance

If you’ve never explored the world of pet insurance before, you might be asking yourself questions like, “What does pet insurance cover?” or “Is pet insurance worth it?”. If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Pet insurance is a type of health coverage designed specifically for pets, providing financial protection against the costs of veterinary care. This includes helping cover expenses related to medical treatments, surgeries, and other emergencies, ensuring that pet owners can afford the best possible care for their animals without facing prohibitive costs. 
Policies typically cover a range of incidents and conditions, from accidents and injuries to illnesses and chronic diseases. Depending on the plan, pet insurance may also include preventive care such as veterinary exam fees, prescription medications, and dental treatments. By paying a monthly or annual premium, pet owners can safeguard their finances against unexpected bills, allowing them to make decisions based on their pet's health needs rather than cost concerns.


Increased Outdoor Activities

Summer is synonymous with outdoor fun, and our pets often share in these adventures. Whether it’s hiking through the woods, swimming in the lake, or roaming the backyard, pets are more active during this season. However, with increased activity comes an elevated risk of injuries such as cuts, scrapes, sprains, and even broken bones. 
Pet insurance can cover the cost of emergency veterinary visits and treatments, ensuring your pet receives the necessary care without causing a financial strain. Even minor injuries can escalate into significant medical issues without proper attention, making insurance a vital safety net.


Heat-Related Illnesses

The summer heat can be dangerous for pets, leading to conditions like heatstroke and dehydration. Unlike humans, pets cannot regulate their body temperature as effectively, making them more susceptible to overheating. Signs of heatstroke in pets include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and vomiting. 
To prevent heat-related illnesses, always provide plenty of water, ensure they have access to shade, and avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours. Additionally, consider investing in cooling mats or vests for pets that are particularly vulnerable to heat. Pet insurance can cover the costs of treatments for these heat-related conditions, offering peace of mind in case of an emergency.


Parasites and Insect Bites

Summer is also the peak season for parasites such as ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. These pests not only cause discomfort but also pose serious health risks to pets, including Lyme disease, heartworm, and other infections. Regular preventive treatments are essential to protect your pet, but these can be costly. 
Pet insurance can help cover the expense of medications and any necessary treatments for infections, ensuring your pet stays healthy and parasite-free. 


Accidents and Injuries

The curiosity of pets often leads them into trouble during the summer months. Common accidents include ingesting toxic plants, suffering bee stings, or getting injured by other animals. For instance, a playful puppy might chew on a harmful plant or a curious cat might get stung by a bee. Such incidents can lead to unexpected veterinary bills. 
Additionally, pets may encounter unfamiliar animals or hazardous environments that increase their risk of injury. Pet insurance can alleviate the financial burden of these sudden accidents and emergencies, ensuring your pet receives prompt and effective care.


Protect Your Four-Legged Friend with BIG

As you can see, having pet insurance is especially important during the summer, a time when our pets are exposed to a higher risk of health issues and accidents. Whether you are looking for pet insurance for dogs or pet insurance for cats, there are plenty of reasons why this coverage is a must.
Contact a BIG broker today to receive the best quotes for pet insurance and learn more about the coverages available to you. By ensuring your pet is covered, you can fully enjoy the summer season with peace of mind, knowing your furry friend’s health and well-being are safeguarded. 

By: Devon Gribble